Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I am proposing to construct an extension to my existing property, and I was told that I can obtain "Drainage Release Covenants" from my neighbors as an alternate to completing a hydrology study. (The extension will infringe on the "flood fringe" by 6 feet.) Are there standard forms which the County has for such Drainage Release Covenants?

Section 110.1 of the Los Angeles County Building Code restricts the placement of buildings in flood hazard areas. This restriction shall not apply when it can be shown provisions are made to protect the building and that the proposed building will not cause any increased flood hazard on adjacent properties. A hydrology study and hydraulic analysis is required to make a determination regarding these provisions.

A drainage release covenant is a mechanism, which a developer/applicant may use to obtain permission from an adjacent or adjoining property owner. When a developer/applicant proposes construction that will cause a minor alteration of the existing drainage conditions on an adjacent property, we require the developer/applicant to obtain the property owner's permission in the form of a drainage release covenant. However as indicated above, without a hydrology study or hydraulic analysis the potential increase flood hazard on adjacent properties can not be determined. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Mitch Miller, Drainage and Grading Supervisor, Building and Safety Division, at (626) 458-6390.