Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where can I get educational materials for storm channel safety? The community I teach in is directly adjacent to the San Gabriel River; with wetter weather imminent, kids need to be informed about the dangers. Years ago you provided a video called No Way Out but I cannot find education materials on your website anymore. We need to get this information to children asap. Thanks.

Thank you for contacting LA County Public Works with your question.

Although curriculum for "No Way Out" is no longer available through Public Works, we have produced a helpful video that is available on our YouTube channel at

There's also a related info sheet on flood safety available at the following link:

I hope these resources will be helpful in conveying that, although the County's flood control channels provide access to bike trails, pocket parks, and other amenities, special precaution should be taken during a storm. Also, if your students ever see someone caught up in swift-moving water, they shouldn't attempt a rescue themselves. They should immediately call 911.