Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the issues of each sediment placement site?

Sufficient vehicle access, available storage capacity, impact on residential communities, and compliance with state and federal environmental safeguards are all challenges faced by the Flood Control District in the development and operation of sediment placement sites.

To prevent the sediment placement site from collapsing, the deposit of material in a sediment placement site is performed in accordance with site specific, engineered grading plans and an erosion and sediment control plan. This involves a comprehensive review of the sediment placement site, proper placement and compaction of material (often carried out in several phases), installation of temporary and permanent drainage structures, and positioning of perimeter controls. The Flood Control District's careful oversight of this process includes measures to prevent negative impacts to water quality.

Depending on a site's logistical characteristics, it will be retired from Flood Control District use to become open space or recycled for future use. Recycling the site involves removing sediment for other uses, thus restoring some or all of its initial capacity.