Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I have a questions regarding street improvement plans for AIN # 3006-008-002. I have conditions that were issued with conditional use permit no. R2004-00444.
The conditions require that a 50' right of way be dedicated which is an additional 20'.
My question is that the rest of the street has a 40' half width and the existing curb & gutter that we would be connecting to is 30' off of centerline. according to a 50' halfwidth the curb would be at 42' from centerline. i need to know what is required for sure, as the 50' halfwidth does not fit with the surrounding properties.
Please let me know who I would need to speak to regarding this matter.

Street improvement requirements are set by Land Development Division of Public Works. Please contact Andy Narag at 626-458-4921 or by e-mail at