Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The railroad tracks running through our area have been taken over by homeowners, extending fences onto the areas near the tracks. The area I am referring to is one of the bigger eyesores in our town. Decaying plywood, trash, and all kinds of odd building materials and the taggers love the place. Can anyone force these people to clean this up? How about the railroad? Do they have any interest in getting people off their land does my local government Rep care? where do I start?

Thank you for using our FAQ system. Because this is Railroad Right of Way the County does not have jurisdiction to go in and do any cleaning, it is considered private property, however you can contact the Railroad directly regarding illegal dumping around the tracks. It appears that this section of railroad is owned by Union Pacific Railroad. Please use the contact number below. Thanks.

Reporting Unusual or Suspicious Occurrences and Environmental Hazards
Please call 1-888-UPRRCOP (877-7267) to report hazardous materials releases, personal injuries, criminal activities, illegal dumping, or other environmental incidents.