Viewridge Road Stormwater Improvements Project


Water Quality

• Improve local streams and oceans by capturing and treating stormwater and urban runoff by filtering trash, metals, sediment, and other pollutants.

Community Enhancement

• Promote sustainable urban greening through the replacement of paved areas with new trees, drought tolerant landscaping, and drip irrigation.


• Public interest on water resource challenges continues to grow, but awareness of innovative and nature-based solutions is still needed.

The proposed project is located in the unincorporated County community near Viewridge Rd and Topanga Canyon Blvd and serves to improve water quality in Topanga Creek and North Santa Monica Bay while enhancing the community. Features of the project include new drainage infrastructure to capture and treat urban and stormwater flows, a new 850-foot-long raised median with some breaks to allow for ease of access and maintenance, numerous innovative low-impact-development (LID) landscaped parkways, additional trees, drought tolerant plants, drip irrigation, and educational signage.


LA County Logo Los Angeles County Flood Control District Logo

• County of Los Angeles
• Los Angeles County Flood Control District

Complete Design Mid 2023
Advertisement and Award Late 2023
Begin Construction Early 2025
Complete Construction Early 2026


November 16, 2021

The Addendum to the North Santa Monica Bay Enhanced Watershed Management Program (EWMP) Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) was released for a voluntary 30-day public review and comment period. On November 12, 2021, the deadline for the voluntary review and comment period was extended from November 15, 2021, to December 7, 2021. Click on the links below for more information.

   • Notice of Addendum to the EWMP PEIR for the proposed Project
   • Draft Addendum
   • Addendum
   • North Santa Monica Bay EWMP

   • Currently completing 90% Design plans

   • Construction Information Session TBD


• To receive project updates, please contact Alberto Grajeda at (626) 300-4622 or