Los Angeles County Integrated Waste Management Task Force
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12/21/10 California Energy Commission Comments Regarding the Draft 2011 Bioenergy Action Plan, Dated
December 2010 (Docket No. 10-BAP-1)
(PDF, 40KB)
12/02/10 Jeff Woled Green Chemistry Initiative: Proposed Regulation for Safer
Consumer Product Alternatives Dated November 2010
Request for Extension of the Comment Period
(PDF, 25KB)
11/29/10 Michael J. LoGrande
Richard J. Bruckner
Sunshine Canyon City/County Landfill
Enforcement of Land Use Approvals
County of Los Angeles Conditional Use Permit No. 00-194-(5) and
City of Los Angeles Zoning Variance No. 172933
(PDF, 99KB)
11/10/10 Margo Reid Brown CalRecycle's Proposed Closure, Postclosure Maintenance, and
Financial Assurance Fee
(PDF, 97KB)
11/10/10 Stephen R. Maguin Progress Report on the Development of A Waste-by-Rail System
County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
(PDF, 30KB)
11/09/10 Lea Yamashita Comments Regarding Draft Air Quality Guidance for Siting
Biorefinaries in California (Released for Public Comment on
October 11, 2010)
(PDF, 34KB)
11/09/10 Lloyd Doggett Support - H.R. 5856 - The Waste-to-Energy Technology Act of 2010
(Introduced July 26, 2010)
(PDF, 37KB)
11/01/10 Jeff Woled Comments Regarding the Green Chemistry Proposed Regulation
for Safer Consumer Products
(PDF, 29KB)
10/20/10 Holly J. Shiralipour The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Draft Biofuels
Strategic Production Report
(PDF, 48KB)
10/07/10 Margo Reid Brown Comments Regarding Proposed Mandatory Commercial Recycling
Regulation Workshop to Seek Stakeholder Input on Supporting
Emission Factors and Cost Data for the Draft AB 32 Mandatory
Commercial Recycling Regulations
(PDF, 40KB)
09/29/10 Margo Reid Brown Sunshine Canyon City/County Landfill - SWFP No. 19-AA-2000
14747 San Fernando Road, Sylmar
(PDF, 99KB)
09/13/10 Governor Schwarzenegger Assembly Bill 737 (To Enrollment August 31, 2010)
Solid Waste: Diversion
09/07/10 Governor Schwarzenegger Assembly Bill 2398 (To Enrollment August 31, 2010)
Product Stewardship: Carpet
(PDF, 30KB)
08/31/10 Becky Linder Comments Regarding Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report
for Major Modification to the Conditional Use Permit No. 3142-8
for the Simi Valley Landfill and Recycling Center Expansion
(Application Case No. LU07-0048)
(PDF, 586KB)
08/30/10 Governor Schwarzenegger Assembly Bill 1004 (Amended July 15, 2010)
State Solid Waste Postclosure and
Corrective Action Trust Fund
(PDF, 58KB)
08/23/10 Darrell Steinberg Floor Alert: Assembly Bill 737 (Amended August 20, 2010)
Solid Waste: Diversion
(PDF, 55KB)
08/19/10 Darrell Steinberg Assembly Bill 737 (Amended August 17, 2010)
Solid Waste: Diversion
(PDF, 55KB)
08/10/10 Margo Reid Brown SB 1016 Implementation - CalRecycle's Enforcement Policy,
Jurisdictional Review Tool and Outreach to Local Governments
(PDF, 667KB)
08/09/10 Lisa Jackson Comments Regarding Regulation of Biogenic Emissions Under
Title V Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule
(PDF, 32KB)
08/05/10 Dianne Feinstein Support for ARRA Amendments to Extend 1603 Direct Cash Grant
(PDF, 31KB)
08/02/10 Margo Reid Brown Proposed Amendment to City of Pomona
Nondisposal Facility Element
(PDF, 130KB)
07/22/10 Christine Kehoe Oppose Unless Amended - Assembly Bill 222 (Amended July 15, 2010)
Solid Waste: Definitions
(PDF, 47KB)
07/22/10 Christine Kehoe Oppose Unless Amended - Assembly Bill 1004 (Amended July 15, 2010)
State Solid Waste Postclosure and Corrective Action Trust Fund
(PDF, 37KB)
07/21/10 Edwin Pupka Draft Vegetation Planting Plan
Sunshine Canyon Landfill in Sylmar
(PDF, 1,743KB)
07/19/10 Felipe Fuentes Support - Senate Bill 1100 (Amended June 15, 2010)
Product Stewardship: Household Batteries
(PDF, 32KB)
07/12/10 Anthony Portantino Assembly Bill 1004 (Amended June 2, 2010)
Voluntary State Solid Waste Postclosure and Corrective Action
Trust Fund
(PDF, 123KB)
07/12/10 Gloria Negrete McLeod Assembly Bill 2529 (Amended May 28, 2010)
State Agency Economic Impact Analysis
(PDF, 30KB)
07/12/10 Laurie Burt Concern Regarding Biomass Sustainability and Carbon Policy
Released June 10, 2010
(PDF, 33KB)
07/12/10 Max Baucus
Mike Crapo
Jon Testor
Senate Bill 3381 - Consistent Definition of Renewable Biomass (PDF, 31KB)
07/12/10 Dick Lugar
Lindsey Graham
Lisa Murkowski
Senate Bill 3464 - Comments Regarding Section 610 - Federal
Diverse Energy Standard
(PDF, 43KB)
06/30/10 Margo Reid Brown Comments Regarding Proposed Draft Mandatory Commercial
Recycling Draft Regulations to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emission
(PDF, 55KB)
06/28/10 Kurt Bratton Progress of Revegetation Efforts at Sunshine Canyon
City/County Landfill, Sylmar, CA
(PDF, 91KB)
06/24/10 Anthony Portantino Assembly Bill 1004 (Amended June 2, 2010)
Voluntary State Solid Waste Postclosure and Corrective Action
Trust Fund
(PDF, 97KB)
06/15/10 Pedro Nava Senate Bill 1100 (Amended April 22, 2010)
Product Stewardship: Household Batteries
(PDF, 45KB)
06/14/10 Gloria Romero Senate Bill 624 (Amended May 19, 2010) (PDF, 25KB)
06/14/10 Henry A. Waxman House of Representatives Bill 1191 (Introduced February 25, 2010)
The Safe Drug Disposal Act
(PDF, 34KB)
06/14/10 Christine Kehoe Assembly Bill 479 (Amended August 17, 2009) Statewide Mandatory
Waste Diversion Rate Increase to 75 Percent
(PDF, 39KB)
06/14/10 Maziar Movassaghi Comments Regarding the Safer Consumer Product Alternatives
Draft Outline for Regulations
(PDF, 33KB)
06/08/10 Margo Reid Brown Request Removal of Draft Final Project Report: Life Cycle
Assessment and Economic Analysis of Organic Waste Management
and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Options from Public Domain
(PDF, 34KB)
06/08/10 John Kerry
Joseph Lieberman
Senate Discussion Draft: The American Power Act
(Amended May 11, 2010)
(PDF, 33KB)
06/07/10 Christine Kehoe Assembly Bill 737 (Amended June 2, 2009): Statewide Mandatory
Waste Diversion Rate Increase to 75 Percent
(PDF, 55KB)
05/24/10 Joseph Simitian Assembly Bill 222 (Adams and Ma) as Amended July 18, 2009:
Request Support Position
(PDF, 45KB)
05/05/10 S. Joseph Simitian Senate Bill 722 (Amended March 4, 2010) (PDF, 648KB)
05/04/10 All City Mayors and County Board of Supervisors Urgent Request for Letters of Support for Assembly Bill 222 - Conversion Technologies (PDF, 699KB)
04/29/10 Margo Reid Brown Comments Regarding the Proposed Updates to the Countywide
Integrated Waste Management Plan (CIWMP) Enforcement Policy
Part II
(PDF, 40KB)
04/29/10 Leland Yee Senate Bill 1029 (Amended April 7, 2010)
Sharps Exchange Services
(PDF, 42KB)
04/29/10 John A. Perez Assembly Bill 2398 (Amended April 14, 2010)
Product Stewardship: Carpet
(PDF, 31KB)
04/29/10 Bob Blumenfield Assembly Bill 2176 (Amended April 22, 2010)
California Lighting Toxics Reduction and Jobs Act
(PDF, 31KB)
04/29/10 Bob Blumenfield Assembly Bill 1858 (Amended April 13, 2010)
Sharps Exchange Services
(PDF, 33KB)
04/28/10 Ellen Corbett Senate Bill 1100 (Amended April 22, 2010)
Product Stewardship: Household Batteries
(PDF, 33KB)
04/28/10 Wesley Chesbro Assembly Bill 2139 (Amended April 6, 2010)
California Product Stewardship Act
(PDF, 34KB)
04/28/10 Lori Saldaña Assembly Bill 1793 (Introduced February 10, 2010)
Common Interest Developments: Artificial Turf
(PDF, 40KB)
04/28/10 Anthony Portantino Assembly Bill 1004 (Amended January 20, 2010)
Voluntary State Solid Waste Postclosure and Corrective Action
Trust Fund
(PDF, 32KB)
04/15/10 Gloria Romero Senate Bill 624 (Amended April 13, 2009)
Anaerobic Digestion
(PDF, 40KB)
04/15/10 Joe Simitian Senate Bill 26 (Amended January 20, 2010) (PDF, 37KB)
04/05/10 Board of Supervisors Recommendation to Expand the County's Home-Generated Sharps
Waste Management Program to Include Pharmaceutical Waste
and to Implement Take Back Programs
(PDF, 271KB)
04/01/10 Julia Brownley Assembly Bill 1998 (Introduced February 17, 2010)
Single-use Carryout Bags: Environmental Effects: Mitigation
(PDF, 42KB)
04/01/10 Jenny Oropeza Senate Bill 1052 (Introduced February 16, 2010)
Electronic Waste: State Agencies
(PDF, 40KB)
03/25/10 Kurt Bratton Progress of Revegetation Efforts at Sunshine Canyon Landfill (PDF, 30KB)
03/25/10 Richard J. Bruckner Revegetation and Enforcement
Conditional Use Permit NO. 00-194-(5)
Sunshine Canyon City/County Project
(PDF, 37KB)
03/15/10 Wes Ingram Comments Regarding the Draft Procedures and Guidelines for
Establishing New Fuel Pathways under the California Low Carbon
Fuel Standard for Regulated Parties, Dated January 20, 2010
(PDF, 25KB)
02/24/10 Jeffrey D. Byron and
James D. Boyd
Comments Regarding the 2009 Integrated Energy Policy Report
California Energy Commission (Adopted December 2009)
(PDF, 53KB)
02/24/10 Arnold Schwarzenegger Public Resource Code Statutory Changes to the Beverage
Container Recycling Program (Included in Governor's Fiscal
Year 2010-11 Special Session Budget Proposal Submitted on
January 8, 2010)
(PDF, 40KB)
02/03/10 Maziar Movassaghi Comments Regarding the “California Green Chemistry Initiative”
and Department of Toxic Substances Control's Straw Proposal
for Safer Alternatives Regulations
(PDF, 44KB)
01/12/10 Mark Leary Proposed Amendment to City of Signal Hill
Nondisposal Facility Element, May 7, 1996
(PDF, 274KB)

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