Garbage Disposal Districts (GDD) are areas within the unincorporated County of Los
Angeles where garbage collection and disposal services are provided to residents

and businesses by private waste haulers who contract with the Los Angeles County
Department of Public Works. GDD services include weekly collection of refuse, recyclables,
and green waste from their respective carts or dumpsters, as well as, unlimited
collection of bulky items and electronic waste, upon request, at no additional charge.
Fees for GDD services are assessed each year on the property tax bill. Rates may
vary from one GDD to another based on factors such district size, service location,
and waste haulers' operational costs.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works currently operates the following
seven GDDs: Athens-Woodcrest-Olivita, Belvedere, Firestone, Lennox, Malibu, Mesa
Heights, and Walnut Park. See District Information to find your GDD.