2025 Meetings
2024 Meetings
Contact Us
Staff to the Commission: Van Tran (626) 300-4870
2025 Calendar
January 29, 2025
Brackett Field Airport
1615 McKinley Avenue
La Verne , CA 91750-5846
(909) 593-1395
10 A.M.
February 26, 2025
Compton/Woodley Airport
901 West Alondra Boulevard
Compton , CA 90220-3528
(310) 631-8140
10 A.M.
March 26, 2025
General Wm. J. Fox Airfield
4725 William J. Barnes Avenue
Lancaster , CA 93536-8401
(661) 940-1709
10 A.M.
April 30, 2025
Whiteman Airport
10000 Airpark Way
Pacoima , CA 91331-7393
(818) 896-5271
7 P.M.
May 28, 2025
San Gabriel Valley Airport
4233 Santa Anita Avenue
El Monte , CA 91731-1670
(626) 448-6129
7 P.M.
June 25, 2025
Brackett Field Airport
1615 McKinley Avenue
La Verne , CA 91750-5846
(909) 593-1395
7 P.M.
July 2025
No Meeting
August 27, 2025
Compton/Woodley Airport
901 West Alondra Boulevard
Compton , CA 90220-3528
(310) 631-8140
7 P.M.
September 17, 2025
General Wm. J. Fox Airfield
4725 William J. Barnes Avenue
Lancaster , CA 93536-8401
(661) 940-1709
7 P.M.
October 29, 2025
Whiteman Airport
10000 Airpark Way
Pacoima , CA 91331-7393
(818) 896-5271
10 A.M.
November 2025
No Meeting
December 3, 2025
San Gabriel Valley Airport
4233 Santa Anita Avenue
El Monte , CA 91731-1670
(626) 448-6129
10 A.M.
Most meetings are scheduled for the last Wednesday of each month. Meeting dates and times subject to change. To confirm meeting dates, times, and locations, please call (626) 300-4602.
ADA and Title VI Accommodations:Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations, interpretation services, and materials in other languages or in an alternate format may submit a request to Public Works at (626) 458-5100 at least seven (7) business days prior to the meeting. Hours of operation are Monday - Thursday from 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Individuals with hearing or speech impairment may use California Relay Service 711.
ADA (Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades) y Adaptación del Titulo VI: Individuos que requieran adaptación de acceso rasonable, servicios de interprete y materiales en otros idiomas ó en modo alterno pueden entregar una petición a Obras Publicas a (626) 458-5100 al menos 7 dias habiles antes de la junta. Las horas de operación son de Lunes a Jueves de 7:00 am – 5:00 pm. Peticiones echas fuera del perido de tiempo de 7 dias seran atendidas en la medida posible. Individuos con discapacidades de oido ó habla pueden usar el California Relay Service 711.