Los Angeles County Aviation Commission

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Airport Tenant Portal

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2024 Aeronautical Airport Rent Studies

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2024 Non-Aeronautical Rent Study and
Proposed New Rental Rates

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Los Angeles County Airports

Fox at Dawn
The Los Angeles County-owned airports, Brackett Field Airport in La Verne, Compton/Woodley Airport in Compton, San Gabriel Valley Airport in El Monte, General William J. Fox Airfield in Lancaster, and Whiteman Airport in Pacoima not only play a vital role within the nation's integrated system of airports, they are also an integral part of YOUR community, serving the diverse constituents of the County of Los Angeles.

Your airports serve the recreational and business flying public by ensuring that safe, compatible, compliant and market appropriate general aviation products, services and facilities are provided. Home Page Image
Collage of airport pictures Your airports serve the local business and residential communities by providing facilities for recreation, dining, education, meetings and events and also contribute to the local economy and create and sustain opportunities for employment through the direct, indirect and induced impacts of spending generated by the airports.
Your airports accommodate and facilitate the aeronautical activities of law enforcement, life saving, emergency, and disaster services in addition to news, traffic, and weather reporting services. WHP helicopter lineup picture